A consistent sequence of estimators is a sequence of estimators that converge in probability to the quantity being estimated as the index (usually the sample size) grows without bound. In other words, increasing the sample size increases the probability of the estimator being close to the population parameter. Mathematically, a sequence of estimators

is a consistent estimator for parameter θ if and only if, for all ε > 0, no matter how small, we have
The consistency defined above may be called
Weak Consistency. The sequence is
Strongly Consistent, if it
Converges Almost Surely to the true value. To say that the sequence
Xn converges
almost surely or
almost everywhere or
with probability 1 or
strongly towards
X means that
This means that the values of
Xn approach the value of
X, in the sense (see
almost surely) that events for which
Xn does not converge to
X have probability 0. Using the probability space

and the concept of the random variable as a function from Ω to
R, this is equivalent to the statement
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